Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can't hardly wait.

The first time I got to see my little one was when I was 8w4d pregnant. It was very exciting to see her little heart beating, and to see that there really was a baby there. But really, she didn't look like a baby then, and she didn't even have distinctive sex organs, so I didn't know she was a she. She looked like this:

Even though she kind of looked like a bug in that ultrasound, I looked at the little picture I had almost everyday. But then, when I was 19w2d pregnant, I got to go get another ultrasound. This time, she looked like a little (very skinny) person. It was so much fun to watch her moving around and to see her little hands, feet, arms, and legs. Here's a shot of her little body:

We got to find out that she was actually a she, which was exciting, and we got to see her little face. In this shot, you can see her face up on the left and her arms and legs curled into her:

Anyway, I'm now 28w2d pregnant, and I can hardly wait to see that little face in the outside world. Unless there's a complication, I won't have another ultrasound before I deliver, so these are the last pictures I get of her before we meet her. But whenever I look at these pictures (or watch the 15 minute dvd we got of the ultrasound) I get so excited. It begins a train of thought that includes questions like, "who's eyes will she have?" And for a little while all my worries and doubts go away while I imagine holding my little girl for the first time.


  1. I know that feeling very well. When you finally see her there will be things you notice about her that you didn't even think about. For example, One of the first things I noticed about Liam was the dimple on his chin, which I also have, which I got from my dad. I didn't even think that he might have that!

  2. I had those very same feelings and thought while pregnant with you Joy. I thought about the first time I would see you crawl or take a few steps or play in the sand on the beach. My imagination could never reach the real excitement when those things actually happened. You were born so PERFECT! You must have a picture of the first time you hold her and kiss her. Your mom loves you Joy.

  3. So cute! Aren't the ultra sounds so much fun?!? If you want you can go to the mall and they have 3D images. Have you seen them before? They are amazing. This would be a great time to go and do it because she is just the right size but she is not squished. Also they could give you an ultra sound at 36 weeks if they can't feel her head. They will give and ultra sounds to make sure she is head down and not breached.
